Past Fire Apparatus and Vehicles
Please excuse the mess of this page. It is currently under renovation. All listed information is accurate to the best of our ability. Vehicles are listed in order of we received them/placed them into service.
Other info/Notes/Stories: The engine was delivered by Mr. Van Pelt. It was our first motorized vehicle and called Engine #2. We traded it to the County, for a newer pickup (described below). The County placed this unit at the Fair Grounds. We don't have a picture of our original engine.
Cost: $1,525
Pump/Other Descriptor: The pump was a Viking 100gpm with a tank of 275 Gallons
Received From: "Factory" recondition
Date Received: June 1933
Make/Builder: Dodge / Van Pelt
Year: 1929

OOS: April 1948
Engine #3 is still owned an operated by the Department. See current apparatus for information.
Year: 1932
Make/Builder: Chevy
Date Received: Oct 1948
Received From: T.C County Roads
Pump/Other Descriptor: Pump was a Hale 500gpm Front Mount
Cost: $100.00
Other info/Notes/Stories: Pink slips were exchanged in April 1948. We traded Engine #2 (see above) for this pickup, which we called Engine #4. We received this truck from the Trinity County Roads Department. We custom built it adding a water tank and front mount pump. When we decommissioned it it went to E.B. Miller Lot.
OOS: Nov 1960

Year: 1922
Make/Builder: Stutz Fire Engine
Date Received: July 1947
Received From: Redding CA
Pump/Other Descriptor: Pump was a 1000gpm
Cost: $100

OOS: June 1962
Other info/Notes/Stories: Engine #5 was received from Redding CA with damage from a rollover accident. It was repaired by the Department and put into service. It was used until1962 when the transmission gears went out. The unit was taken apart to fix but ended up left out in the weather for some time, until sold to ECV Chapter 62. They reconditioned it with a new truck transmission and no pump. Today the engine is painted purple and can regularly be seen in local parades and car shows. Additional Info
Other info/Notes/Stories: This is our 6th engine(s) purchased. The District bid $450.00 for for two similar units. One was picked up in Seattle and the other in Portland. One of these, a military fuel truck, fully insulated for cold weather, was taken to Oakland. Curtis mounted pump, painted and installed ladder rack on top. The other unit was put into service, changed over pump, body and cab doors lettered and numbered.
Cost: $6500
Pump/Other Descriptor: Pump Hale 500GPM Skid-mount, 800g Tank
Received From: U.S. Surplus
Date Received: Sept 1952
Make/Builder: GMC Military Model/ L.N. Curtis
Year: 1943
OOS: Oct 1978
Engine #7 is still owned an operated by the Department. See current apparatus for information.
Pump/Other Descriptor: Pump Waterous 1250 gpm, S/P Tank size 1000gal
Make/Builder: Ford / Coast Model
Year: 1960
Other info/Notes/Stories: Engine #8. Three members took charter flight from Weaverville to Redding and on to Martinex to attend acceptance test. The 50' ladder was installed in 1978, removed from Engine #6. It was given to Down River Fire Company and housed in Big Bar Ca.
Cost: $23,869
Received From: Martinex
Date Received:
OOS: March 2004

Year: 1950
Make/Builder: Chevrolet
Date Received:
Received From:
Pump/Other Descriptor:
Cost: $
Other info/Notes/Stories:
OOS: 1960s

Year: 1953
Make/Builder: Reo rescue Van
Date Received:Oct 1960
Received From: Kearney Park F.D.
Pump/Other Descriptor:
Cost: See below
Other info/Notes/Stories: This was our first rescue unit. It was a Civil Defense Rig - State purchased new at cost of $9,500 with Federal matching funds. in Jan 1976 OES sold the vehicle to us for $1.00

Year: 1948
Make/Builder: Dodge / Coast Apparatus Inc.
Date Received: June 1964
Received From: CDF Surplus
Pump/Other Descriptor: Pump Hale Powered by Hercules motor, skid-mount tank
Other info/Notes/Stories: Engine #9. Sold to Douglas City Fire Department in May of 1976 for $500.00
OOS: May 1976

Year: 1954
Make/Builder: Dodge Military
Date Received:August 1964
Received From:USFS Weaverville
Pump/Other Descriptor: 4x4 Wapons Carrier
Cost: $50.00
Other info/Notes/Stories: Truck #10
OOS: Feb 1993

Year: 1967
Make/Builder: IHC Van Pelt
Date Received:Feb 1967
Received From: State OES
Pump/Other Descriptor: Pump Hale 1000gpm, S/P, Motor FTV 549 V-8. Water tank 800 gal.
Other info/Notes/Stories: OES #121. A presentation ceremony took place on delivery. Attending were Senator R. Collier, OES Rep. District fire Commissioners and Dept Members
OOS: Nov 1975
Year: 1974
Make/Builder: Dodge / Superior Fire Apparatus
Date Received:Feb 1975
Received From:
Pump/Other Descriptor: Model W300 with a Pump Hale 750gpm Front Mount, Tank Size 300gal
Cost: $22,465.00
Other info/Notes/Stories: Engine #11 purchasing committee and had a choice of either sending representatives to Helena Montana to look a the vehicle, or Superior would bring the truck to Weaverville at cost. The latter was decided upon. Other modifications were made locally, to better equip the Engine - live line, radiator and water tank. The Town Fire of 1975 melted parts of the plastic on the body.
OOS: April 1999
Year: 1968
Make/Builder: Dodge / Model 40
Date Received: Sept 1975
Received From: USFS
Pump/Other Descriptor: W 300 4x4 Pump is a Gorman Rupp 700gpm with a 200g water tank
Cost: $1,500.00
Other info/Notes/Stories: This unit was known as Truck #4 until it was changed to Rescue #15 after selling old Reo Rescue Van
OOS: Nov 1975
Year: 1975
Make/Builder: IHC Van Pelt
Date Received:Nov 1975
Received From: State OES
Pump/Other Descriptor: Pump Hale 1000gpm S/P, Water Tank 800 gal. Had a booster pump Hale 250gpm
Other info/Notes/Stories: Engine 183 was picked up at Sacramento by District Fire Marshal and Dept members, who returned Engine #121
OOS: Feb 1994
Year: 1966
Make/Builder: Ford Model 850 6x4
Date Received: Feb 1987
Received From: See notes
Pump/Other Descriptor: Tank size 3200 Gal. Pump Hale portable 300gpm
Cost: $
Other info/Notes/Stories: Tender #6 was a Ford Chassis from County Roads, dump truck. The District purchased from bid. Tank assembly was from Air Force Fuel Truck surplus, Sacramento. It was driven to Weaverville by Department members. The tank was removed, cut to size, and mounted on the Ford Chassis. The Air Force Chassis was sold to Post Mountain Special District
Other info/Notes/Stories: Engine #5 and later renumbered to 2112. This was the first crew cab in the department. The purchase price included $13,000 for completely equipped Fire Engine.
Cost: $83,916.00
Pump/Other Descriptor:
Received From: New
Date Received: March 1979
Make/Builder: Ford / VanPelt Model C800
Year: 1978
OOS: 1990s
Other info/Notes/Stories: Engine #12 and later renumbered to 2121. This unit was 1 of 2 units built for the City of Fremont. We purchased it from a Redding Businessman who picked it up at a Bay Area auction. Extensive reconditioning was done by the Weaverville Fire before placing it into service. It was declared surplus on April 9, 2013 and sent to Southern Trinity Fire Department.
Cost: $7,450
Pump/Other Descriptor: Hale Pump 1250 GPM w/ Aux Berkeley Pump. 3208 Turbo Cat 250hp. Allison Transmission
Received From: Surplus
Date Received: August 1991
Make/Builder: Ford / Van Pelt C8000
Year: 1974
OOS: April 9, 2013
OOS: May 1989
Other info/Notes/Stories:
Cost: $
Pump/Other Descriptor:
Received From:
Date Received: Feb 1985
Make/Builder: Dodge 1/2 ton
Year: 1976
Year: 1983
Make/Builder: Ford Bronco
Date Received: May 1989
Received From: Gov Surplus
Pump/Other Descriptor:
Cost: $
Other info/Notes/Stories:
OOS: April 2004
Other info/Notes/Stories:
Cost: $
Pump/Other Descriptor:
Received From:
Date Received: Aug 1992
Make/Builder: Ford F250/ Central State
Year: 1992
Year: 1977
Make/Builder: Kenworth
Date Received: Feb 1994
Received From:
Pump/Other Descriptor: 4000gal Tank size
Cost: $60,000
Other info/Notes/Stories: Tender #1 was given to Hayfork Fire district
OOS: April 2004

Other info/Notes/Stories:
Cost: $
Pump/Other Descriptor:
Received From:
Date Received: April 1997
Make/Builder: Ford F250
Year: 1997
OOS: Aug 2016
Other info/Notes/Stories: OES Water Tender 32
Pump/Other Descriptor:
Received From: State OES
Date Received: Jan 2004

Year: 2001
Make/Builder: Ford Explorer
Date Received:
Received From:
Pump/Other Descriptor:
Cost: $
Other info/Notes/Stories: Lovingly referred to as Mini-Me
OOS: Aug 2016

Make/Builder: Ford Expedition
Date Received:
Received From:
Pump/Other Descriptor:
Cost: $
Other info/Notes/Stories:
OOS: April 2017

Year: 2010
Make/Builder: Ford F250
Date Received:
Received From:
Pump/Other Descriptor:
Cost: $
Other info/Notes/Stories:

OOS: Aug 2023
Other info/Notes/Stories: The engine, which is called OES 3306, comes stocked with most equipment needed to run, not only wildland fire calls but structure protection in wildland-urban interface.
Cost: $
Pump/Other Descriptor: 2-stage 500 GPM pump and carries 500 gallons of water.
Received From:
Date Received: Jan 2021
Make/Builder: BME Model 34
Year: 2021