WFD Hazard Reduction Program
Beginning in June of 2009 the Weaverville Fire District implemented a Hazard Reduction Program, utilizing funding under Title III of the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act, improving defensible space around homes and structures in the Weaverville, Douglas City, Lewiston, Junction City, and Rush Creek area. Over the years this project has been very successful. Last year alone we provided fuels reduction services to 66 properties. Our Hazard Reduction Program is intended to improve defensible space around homes and structures. It consist of two parts:
Upon request, a representative of the Weaverville Fire Protection District, will meet with a property owner, evaluate the property’s defensible space, and recommend improvements.
A qualified low-income or disabled property owner would have a crew (employed or contracted by WFPD) perform the hazard reduction work that the property owner has agreed to.
The key goals, in our program, are to reduce fire hazards in our community and provide a safer working environment for firefighters. If you are interested in having your property evaluated please contact us at (530)623-6156.
We can help with
· Clearing Brush
· Weed eating
· Raking Leaves
· Burning Piles
· Limbing Trees
· Bucking Branches